Thursday 07 Chaben 1446 - 02-06-2025
Prayer times in Islam varies daily due to the position of the sun. Knowing the exact time of the five daily prayers is very important for all Muslims. Detect your location to find the prayer time for your place of residence. Otherwise, browse the list of islamic prayer times by state.
Setting prayer times in the USA and around the world depends on the position of the sun throughout the day. This is why prayer times vary depending on the season and location.
The time of each Muslim prayer begins when the sun is a certain degree below the horizon. It is linked to the angle that we take into account and this differs depending on the geographical position.
In the USA, the methodologie used to calculate and determine the time of prayer is the ISNA. The Islamic Society of North America use the 15° degree. These degrees represent the position of the sun in relation to the earth's horizon in the place where muslim prayer times are calculated.
The fajr time begins at dawn or dusk in the morning. The time allotted for fajr prayer ends just before sunrise. The fajr prayer, which is the first obligatory prayer of the day, should not be confused with that of Salat Fajr, which is a strongly recommended prayer.
The time allotted for dhuhr prayer begins at midday, when the sun's rays exceed the meridian. For convenience and precaution, many Muslim prayer time calendars add 5 minutes to determine the start of the Dhor prayer time. The allotted time of this prayer ends at the beginning of Asr.
The muslim prayer times of Asr depends on the size of the shadow cast by an object. Imam Shafii indicates that the Asr time begins when the size of the shadow exceeds the size of the object. For his part, Imam Al Hanafi says that the time of Asr prayer begins when the projected shadow exceeds twice the size of the object.
The Maghrib prayer schedule begins with sunset and its time of performance ends with the start of Salat Al-Isha.
The Isha prayer can be performed when night falls and the evening twilight disappears. It is mainly the Isha prayer time which will be different depending on the calculation nail.