Prayer Times in North San Pedr

Muslim prayer time in North San Pedr, Fajr, Dhuhr, Asr, Maghrib and Isha. What is exact time for North San Pedr prayer?

Fajr Dhuhr Asr Maghrib Isha
05:32 13:27 16:59 20:11 21:22

When are the prayers times today in North San Pedr?

Prayer times list for today : Fajr at 05:32, Dhuhr at 13:27, Asr at 16:59, Maghrib at 20:11 and Isha at 21:22 (Icha).

Prayer times at North San Pedr may 2024

The following shows the time of Muslim's five prayers for every day of may 2024

1 may05:4113:2817:0120:0521:15
2 may05:4013:2817:0120:0621:15
3 may05:3913:2817:0020:0621:16
4 may05:3913:2717:0020:0721:17
5 may05:3813:2717:0020:0821:18
6 may05:3713:2717:0020:0821:18
7 may05:3613:2717:0020:0921:19
8 may05:3513:2717:0020:0921:20
9 may05:3413:2717:0020:1021:21
10 may05:3313:2717:0020:1121:21
11 may05:3213:2716:5920:1121:22
12 may05:3213:2716:5920:1221:23
13 may05:3113:2716:5920:1221:24
14 may05:3013:2716:5920:1321:25
15 may05:2913:2716:5920:1321:25
16 may05:2913:2716:5920:1421:26
17 may05:2813:2716:5920:1521:27
18 may05:2713:2716:5920:1521:28
19 may05:2713:2716:5920:1621:28
20 may05:2613:2716:5920:1621:29
21 may05:2513:2716:5920:1721:30
22 may05:2513:2716:5920:1721:30
23 may05:2413:2816:5920:1821:31
24 may05:2413:2816:5920:1921:32
25 may05:2313:2816:5920:1921:33
26 may05:2313:2816:5920:2021:33
27 may05:2213:2816:5920:2021:34
28 may05:2213:2816:5920:2121:35
29 may05:2213:2816:5920:2121:35
30 may05:2113:2816:5920:2221:36
31 may05:2113:2916:5920:2221:37

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Fajr : 15 °
Isha : 15 °


(GMT -5)


Latitude : 27.80267
Longitude : -97.68297

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