Soujoud al Sahw – prostration of oblivion

When the Muslim adds or forgets an action of the prayer, except the pillars, he can make up for this addition or this omission by Soujoud al Sahw (the prostration of forgetfulness) at the end of the prayer.

How to perform Sujud al-sahw

Sujûd al-Sahw consists of two prostrations before or after the Taslim.

Soudjud before the Taslim

If the Muslim forgets a compulsory or subrogatory action, he does the Soojoud Al Sahw before the Taslim, just after the Tachahoud, according to Imam Malik.

The Sujûd al-Sahw after the Taslim

If the faithful adds an additional action to the prayer, the Sujûd al-Sahw must be performed after the Taslîm, according to the Malikites.

Why do Soujoud al Sahw

There are three cases where the prostration of oblivion is obligatory for the validity of the prayer:

  • When an action is omitted from the prayer: This action cannot be a pillar of the prayer
  • When there is a doubt about the execution of a particular action in the prayer: an uncertainty about the number of Rakarat for example
  • When an additional action has been added to the prayer: a sejud, a rak’aa or other

How to make distraction prostration?

It is enough to prostrate twice before or after the Taslim (as explained above).

How to do the prayer of oblivion?

There is no prayer of forgetting. We speak of the prostration of oblivion.

What to say during the prostration of oblivion?

Like a normal prostration, it should be said “Subhana Rabbi al A’la. three times (How perfect is my Lord, the Most High).

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