White days August 2024

The white days are 3 days of the Hijri month during which fasting is strongly recommended. Imam Tirmidhi reports that the Prophet Muhammad - that peace be upon him - he said "If you want to fast three days a month, fast on the 13th, 14th and 15th day." Obviously he was talking about the lunar months of the Muslim calendar. Not the days of August.

Three blank days in the month of 2024 (When do the blank days start?)

The dates that coincide with the three empty days in the month of August 2024 are listed below. The full list of empty days for 2024 is available here.

White day date Hijra Date Days remaining
Tuesday 20 August 2024 13 Safar -118
Wednesday 21 August 2024 14 Safar -119
Thursday 22 August 2024 15 Safar -120
September 2024

What are the white days of August 2024?

For the month of August the white days of fasting will be 13 Safar ,14 Safar ,15 Safar . Or 20,21,22 August 2024.

When is the first white day of August 2024?

The first day of the blank days August is the 20 August 2024.

What are the days on which to fast?

It was the practice of the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) not to omit fasting on white days, whether he stays at a place or while traveling.

The Prophet never fasted a full month outside of Ramadan, but he used to fast three days of each month, the white days. He also fasts on Mondays and Thursdays of each week.

What are the white days in August?

The white days in August are: 13 Safar ,14 Safar ,15 Safar . The reward is that God will count it as a full month, or one day for 10 days. This is the mercy of Islam.

When to do the 6 days of Shawwâl 2024?

The 6 days of Shawwal can be fasted on any day of the month, except the first which is the day of Aid Al-Fitr .