Time in USA

What time is it? exact time is :

Wednesday 1 May 2024, week 18 (UTC -4)

The difference between GTM and UTC

Essentially, although the two are often used interchangeably, UTC is considered a more precise standard and has become the international standard for measuring time, gradually replacing GMT in many official contexts.

GMT (Greenwich Mean Time)

GMT was initially based on Greenwich Mean Time at the Royal Observatory, Greenwich, United Kingdom. It has been widely used as a reference for defining time zones around the world. However, GMT became more informal and was officially replaced by UTC.

UTC (Coordinated Universal Time)

UTC, on the other hand, is a more precise time scale. It is based on atomic clocks and is adjusted according to International Atomic Time (IAT) to maintain precise synchronization with the rotation of the Earth. Unlike GMT, which is based on the Earth's rotation, UTC is more stable and precise, adjusted regularly to compensate for variations in the Earth's rotation.

World Time

New York 15:03:55 (01/05)
Los Angeles 18:03:55 (01/05)
Mexico 16:03:55 (01/05)
Sao Paulo 19:03:55 (01/05)
London 23:03:55 (01/05)
Sydney 08:03:55 (02/05)
Tokyo 07:03:55 (02/05)
Mumbai 03:33:55 (02/05)
Berlin 00:03:55 (02/05)
Frankfurt 00:03:55 (02/05)
Madrid 00:03:55 (02/05)
Rome 00:03:55 (02/05)
Shanghai 00:03:55 (02/05)
Paris 06:03:55 (02/05)

Time in big cities